Reflexive Pronouns


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Sponsorlu Bağlantılar
A reflexive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun. It is usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject.

I -myself
you(singular) -yourself
you(pulural) -yourselves
he -himself
she -herself
it -itself
we -ourselves
they -themselves

Reflexive pronouns are used in three main situations;

I. When the subject and object are the same

Did he kill himself? ( Kendini mi öldürdü? )

II. As the object of a preposition, referring to the subject

I bought a present for myself. ( Kendim için bir hediye aldım. )

III. When you want to emphasize the subject

I'll do it myself. ( Hiç kimseden yardım almadan tek başıma yapacağım )