İngilizce Soru Kelimeleri ile Soru Cümlesi Oluşturma


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ingilizce soru kelimeleri - ingilizce soru cümlesi nasıl oluşturulur - where - when - why

where, when, why gibi soru kelimeleri ile soru cümlesi oluştururken, yes-no soru cümlesinin başına bu soru kelimelerini getiririz.
Olumlu cümle: Anna is in Russia. I will see her on Tuesday.
Soru cümlesi: Where is Anna? When will you see her?

Eğer olumlu cümle içinde yardımcı fiil yok ise, bu cümleler geniş ya da geçmiş zamanlı cümlelerdir ve soru kelimesinden sonra do/does/did yardımcı fiillerini zamana göre getiririz.
Olumlu cümle: He likes his job. I came here to learn English.
Soru cümlesi: How does he like his job? Why did you come here?

Aşağıda soru kelimeleri ile kurulmuş soru cümlelerini inceleyelim:

(you staying?) Where are you staying? 'At the Park Hotel'
(you arrive?) When did you arrive? 'Last Nihgt'
(you here?) Why are you here? 'to see Scotland'
(you been today?) Where have you been today? 'To Edinburg'
(you going to Glasgow?) When are you going to Glasgow? 'Next weekend'
(you like Scotland?) How do you like Scotland? 'It is great!'
(you come here?) How did you come here? 'By car.'
(you come by car?) Why did come here by car? 'I like driving.'
(you live?) Where do you live? 'In Germany.'
(you leaving?) When are you leaving? 'Next Tuesday.'
(we see you again? ?) When will we see you again? 'I'll be back next summer.'

How ile ilgili soru sorarken genellikle how + sıfat/zarf yapısını kullanırız:
How old is your sister? How tall are you? How fast can you run?

Aşağıdaki tabloda ve örnek cümlelerde how soru kelimesinin nasıl kullanıldığını inceleyelim:
How old ...? How far ...? How long ...? How tall ...?
How big ...? How fast ...? How often ...? How well ...?

How far is your house from here? 'About 5 km.'
How tall is John? 'Very tall-nearly two metres.'
How fast was she driving? 'The police say she was doing 160 km/h.'
How often do you see your parents. 'Every week.'
How big is Ann's flat? 'Very small-just one room and a bathroom.'
How long did you stay in China? 'I was there for six months.'
How well do you speak Spanish? 'Not very well.'

Bazı soru cümleleri what+isim ile başlarlar:

What time is the film?
What time does the train leave?
What colour are her eyes?
What size are you?
What sort of books do you read?
What sort of films do oyu like?

Aşağıdaki örnek cümleleri ve verilen cevapları inceleyelim:

What time does her plane arrive?
Eight o'clock, if it is not late.
What colour is the baby's hair?
She hasn't got any.
What kind of music do you play?
Pop, mostly.
I'd like a packet of rice, please.
What size, small or large?
Can I borrow one of your sweaters?
Sure. What colour would you like? Blue? Green?
What kind of holidays do you prefer?
We usually go to the mountains.
What time did yo get home?
I don't remember. It was very late.
I need a sweather. What size are you?
Extra large.

Eğer bir şeyin tanımını soruyorsa, What is/are/was/were .... like şeklindeki yapıyı kullanırız.

Where have you been? 'In Ireland'
What was the weather like? 'OK.'
What is your new boyfriend like?
He is very nice.

Aşağıda verilmiş örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

What is your new boss like?
He is not very good at his job.
What is your new girlfriend like?
She is beautiful.
What is your new neighnours like?
Very noisy. They have parties all night.
What is your new car like?
OK.-it is a bit slow.
What is your new house like?
Great - we've got much more room.
What is your new school like?
The teachers aren't much good.

Aşağıda bazı kullanışlı soru cümlelerini verdik:

Where are you from?
Where do you come from?
How long have you been here?
How long are you here for? (=until when ...?)
How long does it take to get London?
How long does it take to learn English?
How do you spell that word?
How do you pronounce this word?
