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there is always a miracle in your heart for friendshipyou will never able to understand how it startedbut when you received this special gift-friendship- you know its from god
friends are precious diamondsthey make you smile and makes you feel boldthey want to open their hearts to you and listen to youshow them how much you care

Hearts of people giving up real friend to the freshness is not a drug
R Bakon

Most often the fanatical religiosity of friendly friendship from the man disgusted
La Rochefoucauld

Extent like a prudent man, would be a day that hostilities would
Prophet Muhammad

Peace would call, friendly, put power to work quickly bring repentance Figure
Hz Mevlana

A friendship that was followed by fighting the hatred, fruit is the most deadly

The biggest blessing and a true friend to get work at least
La Rochefaucauld

If everyone else is saying about itself completely knew, could not be friendly with each other four people in this world

Friendship is like eating mushrooms, but after defeating certain whether the pest is
Chinese Proverb

Roses, tulips, carnations are breaking all the flowers solar steel and iron, but what real friendship is left, what is broken

Friends is a family so that people, himself and his family members shall elect
Alfons Karr

In genuine friendship, rather in the creation of those who can not taste the flavor is
La Bruyere

Despite flaws you love your man, your real friend

Friendly pet is not a drinker

Each other's arms in the world of friendship from one end to one end is long enough to embrace

From the beginning he put pillows in a fire, a man lying on a bed of snakes he, that the safety of a friend, a man more comfortable sleep hostility sezen
Vishnu Sarma

Friendly, first of all trial

Would starve to death, man opens the door for you, you are taken to the table, filling the bowl of milk for you, break bread, the inside is what you smile

Friendly with him when you seem to be really affordable, you can tell he is one spirit with him all the privacy and self-defense when there is no need to
Jean Jacques Rousseau

So that the enemy is living with your friend about how you have to say

That friendly face when living with your enemy, it should not fried;